Treatment Options at Come Play: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

No one child is the same. At Come Play, we understand the unique needs of each child and offer a range of treatment options to support their growth and progress. Whether your child could benefit from one single therapy or multiple therapies, we’ve got you covered every step of the way.


In this article, we'll take a closer look at the various therapies and services we provide, designed to meet the diverse needs of children and their families.


Play Therapy: Where Healing Meets Fun

At Come Play, we understand that children communicate and process their emotions differently from adults. Play therapy is a powerful therapeutic approach that allows children to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences through play. For younger children, play encompasses toys, games, and make-believe. For older children and teenagers, play may incorporate video games, yoga, board games, and art therapy.

Play therapy encompasses several techniques, including EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Theraplay, Adlerian Play Therapy, Child-Centered Play Therapy, and Autplay. These approaches provide a wide range of tools that our experienced therapists draw upon as needed. Sessions and techniques are customized based on the unique needs of each individual child.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): EMDR is a specialized form of play therapy that focuses on helping children process traumatic experiences and overcome emotional challenges. It uses bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or tapping, to help children reprocess distressing memories and emotions, ultimately promoting healing and resilience.

Theraplay: Theraplay is a structured play therapy approach that emphasizes building secure attachments and improving relationships between children and their caregivers. Through playful interactions and activities, therapists work to enhance the parent-child bond and address any attachment issues that may arise.

Autplay: Autplay is a play therapy modality designed for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and related developmental challenges. It combines play-based interventions with sensory and behavioral techniques to help children develop essential skills and manage their sensory differences.

Our therapists carefully assess each child's unique needs and tailor their approach accordingly to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Occupational Therapy: Nurturing Development and Skills

Occupational Therapy (OT) at Come Play covers a wide spectrum of interventions aimed at promoting a child's overall well-being and independence. Our expert occupational therapists specialize in various areas, including:

Sensory Integration: For children who struggle with sensory processing, our therapists employ sensory integration techniques to help them adapt to different sensory stimuli and improve their overall sensory experiences.

Feeding Therapy: Feeding difficulties can be challenging for both children and parents. After all, there’s nothing more instinctual to parents than feeding your children and watching them grow. Our feeding therapy program, SOS Approach to Feeding, addresses a variety of issues and helps children develop healthier eating habits.

Fine Motor Skills: Fine motor skills are crucial for tasks like writing, drawing, and self-care. It is very common in Autism, ADHD, and other neurodevelopmental disorders to have fine motor weakness and delays. Our occupational therapists work with children to enhance their fine motor skills, ensuring they can perform everyday tasks with confidence.

Integrated Listening Therapy (ILS): ILS is an auditory therapy program that helps children improve their auditory processing abilities. It can be particularly beneficial for children (and parents) with auditory sensitivities or processing disorders. This program, led by our clinical expert, is a quick and effective way to enhance auditory processing.

Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP): This innovative auditory intervention program aims to regulate the autonomic nervous system by engaging the middle ear muscles. It can be especially helpful for children who experience heightened stress responses or sensory sensitivities. Our team can provide you with additional information about this program.

Dyslexia Tutoring: Unlocking the Power of Reading

Dyslexia can present unique challenges for children in their academic journey. At Come Play, we offer specialized dyslexia tutoring using the Orton-Gillingham approach, a research-based method proven to be effective in teaching reading and spelling. 

Our tutoring sessions are tailored to meet the specific needs of each child. We typically recommend 2-3 sessions per week for several months, although some children may benefit from ongoing support for up to two years. We utilize various multi-sensory tools and strategies to help children with dyslexia catch up to their peers academically.

Speech Therapy: Finding Their Voice

Our dedicated speech therapists work with children to address a wide range of speech and communication challenges. Whether your child struggles with articulation, language development, fluency, or social communication, our team is here to help. 

Parent Support Therapy: Strengthening Families

Parenting is challenging, especially when your child faces unique developmental or behavioral challenges. Our parent support therapy is designed to empower parents and caregivers by providing guidance, support, and a safe space to share their concerns and emotions. We address various aspects of parenting, including:

Parenting Alignment: Ensuring that both parents are on the same page when it comes to raising their children is essential. We offer counseling to help parents align their parenting strategies and goals effectively.

Diagnosis Support: Receiving a diagnosis for your child can be overwhelming. We provide support to help parents navigate the emotional journey that often accompanies a diagnosis and develop strategies for moving forward positively.

Marriage Therapy: Parenting can strain relationships, especially when you have exceptional children with additional needs. Our marriage therapy services offer couples the opportunity to work through challenges and strengthen their bond.

We understand that parents have busy schedules. We offer flexible therapy sessions, including options during the evening, lunch hour, and when children are at school.

IEP/504 Support

Navigating the educational system can be complex, especially when your child requires additional support. We can assist with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), 504 plans, and push-in services for speech and occupational therapy.

Additionally, we provide kindergarten readiness and social skills groups, as well as behavioral health support, to ensure your child's educational experience is as successful and inclusive as possible.

If you're interested in learning more about our services or scheduling an assessment for your child, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help your child thrive and reach their full potential. 

Come Play with us today!